Why We Choose Carrara Products

Why We Choose Carrara Products

It’s one thing to choose a reputable, trusted equipment supplies team like us at Steamline Engineering… but what about the products that we choose? After all, how do you know that our products are high quality, and not just cheap imports from China?

Part of the Steamline promise is that you’ll get a top of the range product, and that’s why the majority of products are manufactured by Carrara – one of the world’s finest sealing solution teams. Steamline are proud to bring you purpose-engineered Carrara products, and here’s why:

Carrara products are used by industrial businesses all over the world

Carrara is one of the world’s best and most popular brands of industrial equipment supplies. Purely on their own accord, they have over 1500 customers around the globe and have dozens of other authorised distributors like Steamline Engineering. Think about how many pieces of Carrara equipment are being used globally, right this very minute, helping to power thousands of businesses and contributing to their success. Carrara is one of the only brands that we trust to use in our own equipment, and we treat our customers the way we treat ourselves.

They have a long history of producing industrial seals

Carrara have a long history of producing some of the finest industrial seals on the market. Founded in 1961 in Italy, Carrara have over 60 years of experience in the art of industrial sealing solutions, carefully refining and honing their craft to make what’s now considered a premium range of industrial seals.

Carrara value quality just as much as Steamline does

Carrara, like Steamline Engineering, as driven to achieve the highest level of quality possible. They only use the best materials for their products such as graphite, PTFE and carbon fibre. Their products are manufactured to the exact measurements, so that you never have to worry about a part not completely fitting properly: all Carrara products fit like a glove because their measurements are so exact.

Carrara products maximise efficiency

With the guarantee of quality materials and reliable performance comes the promise of maximised energy efficiency. Carrara products are excellent at what they do: they keep your pressurised machinery tight, preventing fugitive emissions from escaping. Fugitive emissions can cost you thousands of dollars per year, so Carrara products help you to keep that money in your own pocket.

Steamline Engineering have been stocking Carrara products since the very beginning and they won’t be going away any time soon. Steamline are Australia’s favourite stockists of Carrara sealing solutions, offering gaskets, valve packing, pump packing, thermal tapes and more. Get in touch with our team at Steamline Engineering, offering a full scope of Carrara products at fantastic prices.

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